In this lesson, you will learn some new grammars making use of Japanese verb te-form.
You have already learned how to change verbs from dictionary-form to te-form in the basic lessons and how te-form is used in some grammars.
This first grammar is about using te-form to express the action you are trying to do. The sentence pattern of this new grammar is very simple...
Verb (て-form) みます
Verb (te-form) mimasu
It emphasizes that the action denoted by the verb is a trial.
Let's use some examples so that you can see how to use it.
1. |
私はいつもシャツを買う前に着てみます。 |
2. |
新しいペンを買う前に書いてみました。 |
3. |
もう一度考えてみます。 |
4. |
この靴を履いてみてもいいですか。 |
For Verb (て-form) みます: I try, I will try (present tense or future tense)
For Verb (て-form) みました: I tried (past tense)
Another common use is to use the たい-form (tai-form) to express something you want to try. The sentence pattern is...
Verb (て-form) みたいです
Verb (te-form) mitai desu
It is used for something you have not done before and you want to try to do it. For example...
1. |
世界旅行をしてみたいです。 |
2. |
富士山に登ってみたいです。 |
3. |
宇宙から地球を見てみたいです。 |
In the next grammar Verb1 is an action or condition which accompanies the action denoted by Verb2. Take note that the second Japanese verb (Verb2) is the main action in the sentence.
Let's look at the sentence patterns...
Verb1 (て-form) Verb2
Verb (te-form) Verb2
Verb1 (ない-form)で Verb2
Verb (nai-form)de Verb2
For example...
眼鏡をかけます (megane wo kakemasu) - to wear glasses. And with this condition remained (i.e. with my glasses on), I read book (doing another action).
眼鏡をかけない (megane wo kakenai) - not to wear glasses. And with this condition remained (i.e. without my glasses on), I read book (doing another action).
Look at the above two examples, whether the glasses is put on or not when the action 読みます takes place is stated. Verb1 and Verb2 are actions done by the same person.
1. |
ネクタイをして会社へ行きます。 |
2. |
ネクタイをしないで会社へ行きます。 |
3. |
電気を消して寝ます。 |
4. |
電気を消さないで寝ます。 |
5. |
砂糖を入れてコーヒーを飲みます。 |
6. |
砂糖を入れないでコーヒーを飲みます。 |
Let's use the 眼鏡 (megane) example to show the difference...
1. |
眼鏡をかけて本を読みます。 |
2. |
眼鏡をかけながら本を読みます。 |
In example 1, after putting on glasses, (with this state remained) you continue to read book. Whereas in example 2, you are putting on glasses and reading book at the same time.
There is another meaning for the same sentence pattern Verb1 (ない-form)で Verb2. This pattern is used when the speaker indicates a course of action taken out of two alternative possibilities presented.
This is different from the previous pattern where the speaker remains under the condition of the first action and performs the second action. For example...
In this example, the speaker chooses to do one of the two actions (go somewhere and rest at home).
1. |
バスに乗らないで駅まで自転車で行きます。 |
2. |
ケーキは買わないで自分で作ります。 |
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